Yesterday, I had an epiphany: I could not have possibly picked a better class to complement the rest of my schedule. The other 4 classes in my schedule are all typical, very structured, courses: programming, history (even though it's video game history), and political science. Then, to contrast them all, there's Seeing Sideways, a class whose only rules exist for how to go on break in the middle of class.
I'm really excited about the class's unstated (or indirectly stated) purpose: undo the behavior training we have received throughout our lives that stifles creativity and makes everyone everyone less willing to speak their minds. Only time will tell how well the class succeeds in its purpose, but I'm looking forward to it.
I hope that we come back to yesterday's conversation topics later in the semester to see if anyone's thoughts on art, music, and design change or become more refined as we progress.
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