Saturday, January 29, 2011

"You keep telling yourself what you know, but what do you believe? What do you feel?"

As anyone who, like me, just watched Inception (again), you'll recognize the quote. Also, I'm going to get this out of the way: BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM. That line resonated with me, especially in regards to this assignment. As I mentioned in the class response, I associated "seeing" more with understanding or feeling and "looking" more with just the concrete knowing.

For this assignment, I "cheated" and used the response I gave for what I saw and used it. I probably would have been able to get away with not mentioning that it was mine, but omission would imply guilt. I really wanted to see what I could do to expand this concept and figured it would be better to create something that I'm proud of, even if it "breaks" a rule whose value is questionable, than to create something of lesser quality just for the sake of following it.

I saw me looking at myself in the mirror. Creating the perspective of being able to see me look at myself was simple; the challenge came in what I would see in the mirror. The idea of looking at yourself in the mirror has many meanings. Typically it's used as a way of telling someone to look at themselves and their actions. Throughout my short time on this planet, I've noticed myself become increasingly apathetic, or even negative, towards my actions. This seemed an interesting concept to bring to life, given the framework of what I saw.

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